Beginner ESL Program

Students will gain confidence in:
• Speaking English
• Structuring a grammatically correct paragraph
• Mastering some of the reading strategies such as previewing
predicting, using word clues, and using visual clues
Students will become comfortable speaking about relatively simple
topics with classmates, teachers, and native English speakers.

Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Clock Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course is a beginner-level exploration of vocabulary and conversation. Emphasis is placed on building and using new
vocabulary, developing listening skills, and exploring spoken English. The course includes vocabulary-building activities
with a focus on level-appropriate high-frequency vocabulary. It also incorporates listening and speaking exercises. The
course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Clock Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course is an introduction to English grammar and writing conventions. The emphasis is placed on grammar and
sentence structure. The grammar aspect of this course concentrates on the usage of appropriate pronouns, articles,
modals, and basic tenses. Course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm exam,
and a final exam.
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 120
Total Clock Hours: 180
Quarter Credit Hours: 12
This course is an introduction to various reading strategies aimed at developing reading and understanding skills in
beginner students. The course explores relevant vocabulary and grammar while focusing on analyzing and synthesizing
ideas and information. Students will work with a variety of text types and graphic formats and begin to think critically
about their reading material. Course activities include lecture assignments, projects, exercises, quizzes, a midterm
exam, and a final exam.